Lab News
Rana received the Lo Graduate Fellowship for Excellence in Stem Cell Research. Congratulations!
Rebecca was a co-recipient of the Carolyn Slayman Prize in Genetics.
Both Tyler and Rebecca defended their theses! The lab had a wonderful time celebrating both thesis defenses. Tyler will return to the clinic to finish the last 2 years of his MD-PhD, and Rebecca will start as a YSM Science Fellow in the Yale Pathology Department this fall.
Rebecca was selected to give a talk at the Keystone Symposia Epigenetic Mechanisms and Cancer Treatment conference. She received a Keystone Symposia Future of Science Scholarship to attend the meeting.
Myles defended his thesis!! Congratulations Myles on an amazing thesis seminar and your accomplishments in the Xiao lab. We had a wonderful day celebrating Myles with the lab, friends, and family! Next up, Myles will be starting a Postdoctoral position in Haifan Lin’s lab.
Rana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Yale Cancer Center Trainee Symposium. She received an award for best oral presentation!
Congratulations to Raman, who graduated with his MD-PhD from Yale School of Medicine, and Eric, who graduated from Yale College. Raman will be starting his residency at Stanford, and Eric will be starting his MD-PhD at the Tri-Institutional MD-PhD program at Rockefeller/Weill Cornell/MSK. We are very sad to see them both go, but so excited to see what they do next!
Congratulations Eric, who received the Yale MB&B Departmental Prize, and to Raman, who received the Carolyn Slayman Prize for his thesis work!
Tyler received an NRSA F30 grant from the NIH to support his MD-PhD research. Congratulations, Tyler!
Rebecca and Eric presented their work at the AACR Special Conference in Cancer Epigenomics in Washington, D.C. Rebecca received an AACR Scholar-in-Training award to attend the conference.
Myles was awarded the Lo Graduate Fellowship for Excellence in Stem Cell Research!
Rana received the Edward L. Tatum Fellowship! Congratulations!
Eric received a travel award to present a poster at the AACR Annual Meeting.
Eric received a Goldwater Fellowship! Congratulations, Eric!
Myles was selected to give a talk at the Society for Reproductive Investigation.
Congratulations, Raman, on an amazing thesis defense and an incredibly productive 4 years in the lab! Raman will now return to the clinic to finish the last two years of his MD-PhD.
Congratulations to Rana, who has passed her qualifying exam!
Jason, a first-year MCGD Ph.D. student, will be joining us for his first rotation. Welcome!
We are happy to welcome Mackenzie to the lab as a Postgraduate Associate.
Rana has been accepted to the Yale Cancer Biology Training Program. Congratulations, Rana!
Daniel, a first-year MD-PhD student, has joined the lab for a summer rotation.
Rebecca has co-authored a piece with two other Yale Genetics students about female leadership in STEM. Check it out on the Node here.
We are excited to welcome Yichen to the lab! For his postdoctoral research, Yichen will be studying epigenetic mechanisms using super-resolution microscopy and single molecule imaging. Welcome, Yichen!
Congratulations to Alisha, who has been awarded a Brown Coxe Postdoctoral Fellowship!
Rana will be joining the lab for her thesis research. Welcome, Rana!
Tyler passes his qualifying exam!
Raman and Kaixuan present their work at this year’s (virtual) Cold Spring Harbor Epigenetics and Chromatin conference.
Welcome to Rana, a rotation student from the MCGD track.
A huge congratulations to Kaixuan, who successfully defended her thesis this month! Kaixuan Zoomed in from China to give a beautiful talk to her colleagues, friends, and family. While we will miss Kaixuan in the lab, we can’t wait to see what she accomplishes next.
After a 4 month hiatus due to COVID-19, we are back in lab and excited to ramp up experiments again.
The lab’s most recent work is now available online at Nature! In this paper, we show that N6-mA serves as an antagonist for the chromatin organizer SATB1, which has important implications for cell fate transitions in early embryonic development.
The project Eric worked on in his previous lab at the NCI has been published in Molecular Cell! Check it out here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2020.06.028
Rebecca gives a talk at the Yale Cancer Center Colloquium.
Andrew has received tenure!
Rebecca receives an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Read more here.
The lab’s most recent work is accepted for publication in Nature. Congratulations to Xiao lab members Raman, Kaixuan, Zheng, and Myles on this exciting project. The publication will be available online this summer!
Joe and Rebecca pass their qualifying exams.
Myles is selected to give a talk at the Yale Stem Cell Center Retreat.
Andrew gives his tenure talk!
We are excited to welcome Alisha to lab as a postdoctoral fellow!
Rebecca is accepted into the Yale Cancer Biology Training Program.
High school students Riya and Jenny join the Xiao lab for the summer. Welcome, Riya and Jenny!
Myles and Andrew publish a review on N6-methyladenine in eukaryotes. Check it out on our Publications page!
Tyler joins the Xiao lab to pursue his Ph.D. research.
Myles receives an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Read more here. Congratulations, Myles!
Joe and Rebecca join the Xiao lab to pursue their Ph.D. research.
Raman is selected to give a talk at the Yale Stem Cell Center Retreat.
Our collaboration with Jeremy Rich’s lab (UCSD) examining the role of N6-mA in glioblastoma has been published in Cell. Check it out on our publications page or read more here.